Friday, November 6, 2009

Honeycomb part II

We've messed around the with the honeycomb script we wrote a few weeks ago. As you can see the form has the same basic shape but we've added a few surface functions to the script to articulate the hexagons. Also, we've put the arrangement in a somewhat more architectural context, just to legitimize what it is we do here.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Scripting allows us new ways to look at traditional architectural problems. This is true not only for problem solving and design processes, but also in the way we treat traditional architectural materials. This experiment was based on the experiments and findings in the book Digital Materiality in Architecture by Fabio Gramazio and Matthias Kohler. This book shows many different projects which create breath-taking architectural compositions out of various standard building materials. The work of the Gramazio & Kohler has been a key influence for our efforts and an excellent example of the potential of algorithmic design processes - but you don't have to take my word for it.

This week's entry is an homage to their innovation and talent. As you can see, by injecting a traditional masonry wall with algorithmic forces the result can be surprisingly fluid and sensual.

I'll see you next time.