Monday, December 14, 2009

Reapportionment and Randomninity of 3D Cartesian Coordinate System

Drawing from two precedents which use a Cartesian coordinate system as a means to spatially subdivide their repsective sites, Tschumi’s Parc de la Villette in Paris and Eisenman’s Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin, this exercise utilizes transformative algorithms to accelerate grid nodes with a degree of randomninity within an urban volume.

Due to the parametric structure of the algorithms used, this results in a chaotic reapportionment of the grid points in three-dimensional space. As the site essentially lies directly at the city’s center, the new structural order is an appropriate diagram of the sites spatial composition as it emulates the potentially chaotic paths of travel that humans and/or information may take within and open, urban space.

The resulting form is not representative of traditional architectural form per se, but rather the process by which it has been generated. By first dividing the space into a rational grid in three-dimensions, we have taken invisible, open, chaotic urban space and applied a mathematical abstraction as a means of assigning order. By utilizing the capabilities of the machine to create a degree of randomninity beyond the scope of human computation, we have reapportioned the 3D urban volume into a representational diagram which is more suited to its future program and usage.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

(re)Cursive Structure

The (re)cursive structure is a play on the word script. The form itself is generated by a script that while randomizing of the x, y, and z coordinates of a three-dimensional Cartesian grid, concurrently randomizes the radii of a series of ellipses through which lofted surfaces are plotted.

The result is an interconnected network of structural members, whose forms wax, wane and flow like strokes of ink or a Script family typeface. Fashionably elegant...kind of like a princess.

Friday, December 4, 2009


Facad(sch)ism represents a schism, or separation, between a building's elements and the facade articulation. In parametric design, facade patterning can be programmed to create pattern, or be further informed in a more intelligent manner by a buildings structural, programmatic, or formal logic.

This project proposes a large, multi-use urban complex at the heart of Vine St. in Cincinnati, Ohio. The site lies directly south of the Cincinnati Public Library Main Branch, on both sides of Vine between 7th and 8th Streets.

Program spaces includes extended library program, specifically additional space for digital and new media, and space for mixed-use public/private including residential, retail/commercial, educational, and gallery spaces.

The intent of the project is to create a continuous corridor of usage along Vine St. Currently, the site is occupied by surface parking lots.

The facade uses a blending script to create a fluid effect. As seen below the diameter of the openings fluctuate based on two sine functions which run at different frequencies with respect to the vertical and horizontal axes. When imposed on the over all building form it creates an ephemeral atmosphere.

Architecture 2012

The end is near.